Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blogpost #1: Promposals

Promposal is the expected grand gesture of love before going to prom. The word "Promposal" is the combination of the word "prom" and "proposal." From different kinds of schools, promposals became a part of their culture. We may never know exactly who started the trend, but it seems like everyone is doing it now. There's the flash mob. The short but sweet video in the middle of a class discussion. The box of pizza that says, "Prom with me?."

Why do high school students do promposals? According to my friends who already did promposals, they want to impress their dates. Some says, because that special someone deserves a proper way to ask to go to prom. When you prompose to someone, you will make her feel very special. Why? Because prom, to that person is a special night, and the person you asked to go to prom, will feel special for that night. And you on the other hand will feel special too because, the person you asked said "yes." High school students do promposals because they want to make their prom night special.

To do a promposal you have to be creative. I found an article entitled "'Promposals' turn getting a prom date into creative challenge" by Donna Boyton from telegram.com. According to the author, "Getting asked to the prom is no longer a simple question posed as students meet at their lockers between classes or over a latte at Starbucks." I completely agree with Donna. Because if you want your date to say yes, you really have to put an effort to it. Be inspired while you're preparing your grand gesture. But before you prompose, ask yourself first why are you doing this. Yes, we all understand that you are doing this because you want a date during your prom night. But if you're just doing this because you want to boast that you have a date to prom, or you just want to experience doing a promposal, don't even think about doing it. You'll just make a person uncomfortable during their prom and you can be the reason why they didn't enjoy their night. Remember that doing a promposal means you want to make someone really special. For me, being really honest about what you feel is enough to call yourself creative.

The promposal trend somehow has an effect. I found an article entitled "15 Teens Discuss Modern Prom and 'Promposals'" by Maya Kaufman from nymag.com. According to the article, students would like to prompose, but afraid to do so because, of their fear of rejection. They are desperate to have prom dates because, they don't want to be alone in the pictures. And in other schools, if you don't have a date for prom, you don't go to prom. Maya said, "Promposals can put girls in an uncomfortable position." Which is true because girls can easily get pressured when it comes to stuff like this. I mean, a guy just asked you to go to prom! How would you feel about that? You can't just easily say "No, I'm sorry I'm going with someone else" because you can hurt his feelings. But girls, if you don't want to go to prom with the guy you are not comfortable with, simply say no and explain in a polite way. And most of all, be careful with your words and don't forget to say thank you for his effort. But the thing is, prom is a night to celebrate all of your hard works, achievements, etc. It is really not a big deal if you go to prom with your friends. Don't mind your schoolmates who got their promposals and dates, do yourself a favor and enjoy the rest of your night.

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